Thursday, July 29, 2010

Park de Cedres; boats, beach and playground means lots to do!

We were doing Playground Quest from east to west but today met up with some friends from my kid's playgroup who decided to hang out at this park so we skipped to the west end of town. Sorry, no playground pics as I didn't bring the camera so you are stuck with stock one I found online of the park. I really should get back for a walk and take some since it is the flagship park in town and now infamous as the spot of what is likely Aylmer's only riot in its history thanks to the recent Saint Jean Baptist Day, a bit too much drink and road rage. You know nothing says “national” pride like beating the snot out of your neighbors, but I digress. If I do get some pics I'll put them in here later.

Located a the north end of the Aylmer Marina and Beach area there are a number of structures that are spread out from each other yet still a quick run from one another. I say run not walk as you will be likely running after your kids between them, unless you have that odd kid who walks in a playground. All the structures seemed to be fine for and enjoyed by toddlers to younger school aged kids. There were no real senior aged type play structures. What is nice about this park it the mature tree cover. There is a lot of it and if the playgrounds are packed there is shade for all who want it every time I have been there.

The structures are a bit old and in fact the main one used could use a good updating. The middle run of the triple slide was broken and it looks like someone tried a rather lame fix job on it then gave up and just stuck a couple 4 x 4s at the top of the slide to block it off. This person apparently does not have kids or they would realize that and obstacle is really a fun challenge and one can often see kids scaling around the barrier to use the middle slide. I mean just like at home if mom and dad put something in a locked cupboard of up high it must be really good, so too went the mentality for the kids in regards to this broken slide. What they really need is a sign saying “you're parents recommend this slide” then it would be avoided at all costs as it must be a bummer.

If you are so inclined to go for a swim after playing hard the beach is right there for you to go for it. It has a concession and lifeguards and all those open at 10 am on weekdays. Based on the last time we were there it was clear that opening at 9 am during a hot spell would likely be better as there were many at the beach that day at 9 am already. If anything then open the washrooms! I had not seen people casually using the sides of buildings in lieu of washrooms since I'd been in Europe. No seriously, we rounded the corner of the blue building there and some guy all casually informed us “I'll just be a moment” as get the idea. I was glad my oldest didn't question that one when she saw it.

I'm sure the water is not always this way but due to the heat wave and low river level this year the designated swimming area never got over my waist and while the kids loved the water temperature I for one don't find it refreshing or even nice to stand in luke-warm water. When you don't notice much of a change in temperature when you step in then you know its bad. I'm pretty sure bacteria also love warm water.

Just further south of the beach is the marina and the kids enjoy the walk to see the boats. There is a restaurant there with a large patio and moderate pricing if you want to make a day of it and have lunch. However with all the shade that can be found the park is well suited for a picnic as well.

Overall a nice place to visit and worth making it out to a few times a summer.

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